Graham Shewell

Retrofit Team Lead
Graham Shewell Profile Picture

My name is Graham Shewell, I have been involved in the insulation industry since 1982. 

I literally left college and worked with the old Home Insulation council grant scheme for loft insulation which in those days was a straightforward £69 grant for everyone and for those over 65, they qualified for the £95 grant. That doesn’t sound a lot but as the total cost of the job was only £138 it was a pretty significant grant at the time. Back in the day there were many properties without any roof insulation at all and those with insulation generally only had 25mm. 

With the continual running out of council allocation, I moved towards Cavity Wall insulation and have been involved with the same contractor since 1987. 

With the coming of PAS2035 I was ushered into the DEA route, then undertook the RA upskill in November 2020 in order to complete Retrofit surveys. 

Following this I went on to complete the Retrofit Academy Level 4 Retrofit Assessor course. I am a working Retrofit Assessor with a good understanding of building methodology. 

I strongly believe in the concept of PAS2035 but also recognise the challenges it carries with it. There is a need for it to be properly implemented, and for it to evolve appropriately as the Retrofit sector matures. I hope to lead Proficiency Retrofit group engagement in ways that help ensure Retrofit effectively delivers more efficient and sustainable buildings for the future.

Relevant Qualifications

  • Level 4 Retrofit Assessor
  • Domestic Energy Assessor (DEA)

Areas of Expertise

  • Domestic Energy Certificates (EPCs)
  • Domestic Retrofit Assessments
  • Insulation 

Engagement Roles

  • Lead for the Proficiency Retrofit panel
  • Assessor Representative on the Energy Performance Reports (ECO4) Conventions Working Group