What is an RdSAP energy assessment (Domestic EPC)?
What is an SBEM energy assessment (Non-domestic EPC)?
Does a house in multiple occupation (HMO) require an EPC?
Does a house in multiple occupation (HMO) need a domestic or non-domestic EPC?
My EPC lists a number of recommendations that seem inappropriate as they recommend changing items that I have recently updated, renovated or had replaced
My recent EPC makes the recommendation of changing my current boiler to a new condensing boiler, but I have only recently had my boiler changed, why is this?
A property is heated by conventional electric heaters and the EPC recommends the installation of storage heaters. The resultant change makes the Environmental Impact Rating worse rather than better, why is this?
I have a programmer and a thermostat on my boiler but on page 2 of the EPC, the 'Main Heating Controls' have an 'energy efficiency' rating of only 1 or 2 stars - how can this be?
I have a very modern electric heating system in my home. However, on page 2 of my EPC the 'Main Heating' has an 'energy efficiency' rating of only 1 star - why is this?
I have what I believe to be a highly efficient LPG/oil heating system in my property. However on page 2 of my EPC the 'Main Heating' has an 'energy efficiency' of only 2 or 3 stars - why is this?
An ‘indicative’ cost is shown for the recommendations on page 3 of my EPC; what does this mean?
What does the summary of this home's energy performance related features show?
I have added insulation to my house, but it isn't reflected in my EPC and consequently the rating is still low. Why is this?
Surely my house is better than indicated in the report?
Why are the energy costs shown on the second page of my EPC lower than my energy bills?
The costs shown on the EPC are higher than my actual energy bills for the year. Why is this?
My EPC recommends installing low energy lighting but shows the potential heating costs will be greater than the current heating costs. Why is this?