Proficiency CPD (26th March 2024) - DesignBuilder Modelling

From 26.03.2024 16:00 until 26.03.2024 17:30
At Online
Posted by Ian Sturt (Admin)
Categories: CPD
Hits: 872

This session is repeated periodically, although content will vary each time as it is tailored to address points sent in ahead of the session or raised on the day.

DesignBuilder Modelling for EPCs.
DesignBuilder is a comprehensive software and there are multiple ways to approach modelling some aspects. It is always useful to see how others do it, and compare with what you do. This is a great opportunity to pick up tips that will improve your workflow. Even highly experienced DesignBuilder users should have some "I didn't realise I could do it that way" moments.

Pre-Booking is required.

This is an online CPD session primarily for existing DesignBuilder users

It will also be highly suitable for anyone considering whether to upgrade to using DesignBuilder.

NDEAs who do not use DesignBuilder, or intend to do so, may still benefit from seeing how envelopes are handled in 3D as it helps to understand the principles of scenarios such as roof-rooms and offices in warehouses etc.

Facilitated by Proficiency Chairman Ian Sturt, there will be an opportunity to ask about any geometry you struggle to model or features of the software you don't understand. Proficiency provides peer support for DesignBuilder users via the dedicated section of our forum, and this is intended to be an interactive extension of this. It will be an interactive session with live use of the software.

The session will typically consist of topics such as:

  • A reminder of the underlying principles of DesignBuilder and how it is used for EPC purposes
  • A refresher on some of the features including:
    • Importing, scaling and orientating 2D floor plans
    • Outlines
    • Boolean
    • Merging zones
  • Specific modelling examples including:
    • Zone within a zone
    • Mezzanines
    • Roof-rooms and dormers
  • Answers to questions that have been submitted ahead of the session
  • Answers to questions from attendees at the session

To get the most out of this session, please think about which principles you don't really understand and/or parts of the modelling process cause you the most concern. Email your list of those points and an indication of what you are unsure of to with "DesignBuilder Q&A"  in the subject line.

Any questions we cannot satisfactorily answer will be identified and referred to DesignBuilder for clarification.

This event is FREE for Proficiency members. It is open to non-members at a cost of £25. (It makes more sense to join and get at least 12 sessions like this for free in the year).

Attendance certificates will be added to the member's  CPD record. Non-members will be provided with an attendance certificate to enable them to claim at least an hour of relevant CPD. 

NOT A MEMBER? Join for just £60 and get free access to this and at least 12 hours of CPD like this, and a listing on the website.
(For just £25 more, as a Premium member get an enhanced listing and other benefits).
Membership Benefits (

HOW IT WORKS - Please read carefully

You will be sent joining instructions and/or the relevant link ahead of the meeting. This is typically sent out about 1 day ahead of the event. For online events we generally use Zoom.

Around 24 hours ahead of the event you will receive a link to register for the event. You can do this any time from then until just before the meeting starts. Once you have registered you will receive the actual meeting link. Please ensure you register using your correct full name. This ensures you will get the right name on your CPD certificate (if applicable),

(If there is less than 24 hours to go, please check your junk / spam folder before contacting us to say you haven't received the link. It will probably be there. If it is not then do contact but don't leave it to the last minute. Once we have started to set up for the session we will not be able to take calls or respond to emails).

Please also ensure you have tested your set up and both your audio and video are working. If we cannot see you are present we may not be able to issue you with a CPD certificate. If you know in advance that you will not have video capability, please email and we will agree an alternative way in which the organisers can verify you were actually present (and hopefully paying attention) for the entire session.

If you need to briefly deal with something like an urgent phone call during the session, please turn your video off whilst you do so to avoid a distraction to other attendees. Video off for short periods of absence will not affect eligibility for CPD certificates. Prolonged periods of absence or where video is off so you could be absent, will prevent us being able to issue a CPD certificate. This verification of your presence is essential for us to ensure that the value of Proficiency CPD certificates is maintained so they can be accepted by accreditation schemes. 

(There are no refunds where CPD certificates cannot be issued due to only partial attendance at an event).


  • Ian Sturt

    Ian Sturt

    Chairman of Proficiency and Lead for the Energy Assessor Alliance. The Energy Assessor Alliance representative on the non-domestic and DEC conventions groups
