PEPA Conference 2024

From 24.09.2024 10:00 until 24.09.2024 16:30
Posted by Ian Sturt (Admin)
Categories: CPD
Tags: CPD, PEPA, Retrofit, RdSAP
Hits: 744

This is not a Proficiency event, but it is one where Proficiency will be represented and participating.

The PEPA Conference is always a highly informative event and will provide 5 hours of face-to-face CPD. 

Proficiency members are encouraged to attend this event where Proficiency will of course be present as an Associate member of PEPA. 

There is a £10 discount for Proficiency members booking this event. Use the discount code available by clicking here.

Along with speakers from DESNZ and MHCLG, there will be a Non-Domestic dedicated session and the usual panel session with schemes at the end. It’s also a great opportunity to find out what’s happening post-election.

For more information and to book visit  

PEPA Conf Proficiency
