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Professional bodies win recompense for DEC Assessors


Display Energy Certificates (DECs) are an integral part of the UK Energy Performance of Buildings regulations. They ensure that taxpayers can see how well energy efficiency is being managed in Public Buildings. 

Earlier in the year, DLUHC* (now MHCLG*) supplied an update containing defective weather data to DEC Assessors. This resulted in a significant number of incorrect DECs being lodged. 

Once the error was identified, a corrected weather data update was issued, and DEC assessors were instructed to replace all the DECs on a list provided by MHCLG. They were informed they had to do so within a time limited period and in many cases under threat of suspension if they did not. In short, DEC Assessors were forced to resolve this situation for MHCLG. 

Proficiency identified this as an inappropriate overreach by a government department and immediately raised strong objections. Essentially, we made it clear that MHCLG could not compel a group of professional people to work for nothing, to correct a problem of their making. DEC Assessors earn their living by producing DECs, and they needed paying to produce the additional DECs that were needed. 

Following an unsuitable initial response, Proficiency raised the matter with the Property Energy Professionals Association (PEPA) to identify the best ways to escalate this above the level of the persons responsible for causing the problem. The evidence Proficiency provided and the sustained efforts of PEPA to ensure it was forcefully presented to the right people, has now resulted in a measure of justice for DEC assessors. 

MHCLG has agreed to make a payment to all affected DEC Assessors for each of the DEC replacements that they were required to undertake. This will be managed as a credit on the DEC Assessor’s account with their Accreditation Scheme. 

This is nothing but good news and demonstrates the importance and power of collaboration between Proficiency (the Professional Body for Energy Assessors) and PEPA (the Trade Association representing the Energy Assessor Accreditation Schemes). 

Having Proficiency membership enables Energy Assessors to have their voice heard with heightened clarity and volume. Proficiency’s associate membership of PEPA ensures Assessor Representatives and the Accreditation Schemes can work effectively together for the common good of our sector. 

Proficiency Chairman Ian Sturt says “There is clearly a cost to the time our members had to put into carrying out the work demanded of them, and it is only fair that MHCLG cover that cost. However, this was not simply about the financial aspect. Most importantly we have demonstrated that MHCLG needs to treat DEC Assessors with the professional courtesy they deserve". 

PEPA Chair, Andrew Parkin added “This situation was entirely avoidable if the CIP file process was managed correctly. I appreciate the efforts of both Ian Sturt at Proficiency and Mike Ockenden, PEPA Secretariat, for their sustained and unwavering efforts to ensure that impacted DEC Assessors received suitable compensation for their time to correct these errors. We have received strong reassurance from MHCLG that the issues here cannot be repeated and PEPA and Proficiency will continue to monitor the onward performance of the process.” 

United we stand, and this outcome clearly demonstrates the benefit of doing so. 

Additional notes 

*DLUHC was the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities. Following the change of government, it has now become MHCLG, the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government. 

Proficiency is the Professional Body for Energy Assessors and Associated Professionals. (See

PEPA is the Property Energy Professionals Association, the Trade Association representing the Energy Assessor Accreditation Schemes (See

This is a joint statement from Proficiency and PEPA

(For any DEC Assessors affected by this, the claims process is explained here DEC Assessor Compensation Claim Process)